Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
P.O. Box 13087, MC-165
Austin, TX 78711-3087
Accreditation/Certification Program Type
17025 |
Other: Yes-Drinking Water Lab approval |
Recognizes accreditation from NELAP ABs: Yes
Accredtation required: Y
Labs required to obtain accreditation: All labs submitting data to the TCEQ for compliance
Reciprocity agreements: Y-NELAP states
Accreditation Program Contact: |
Laboratory Contact: |
Jody Koehler
Frank Jamison
Fields of Accreditation
DW |
Air |
Tissue |
Other: |
As of September 2011 the following fees apply (they are slightly lower prior to this date): Annual admin fee: $500 (primary) or $350 (secondary) + the categories and annual fees for accreditation relating to drinking water are: (1) microbiology--$255; (2) radiochemistry--$510; (3) metals--$385;(4) general chemistry--$510; (5) disinfection by-products--$255; (6) volatile organic compounds by gas chromatograph mass spectrometry--$255; (7) semivolatile organic compounds by gas chromatograph mass spectrometry--$385;(8) organic compounds by gas chromatography using detection other than mass spectrometry--$510;(9) organic compounds by high performance liquid chromatography--$510; (10) polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans--$385; and (11) asbestos--$385.he categories and annual fees for accreditation relating to non-potable water are: (1) microbiology--$255; (2) aquatic toxicity--$510; (3) radiochemistry--$510; (4) metals--$385; (5) general chemistry--$510; (6) volatile organic compounds by gas chromatograph mass spectrometry--$255; (7) semivolatile organic compounds by gas chromatograph mass spectrometry--$385; (8) organic compounds by gas chromatography using detection other than mass spectrometry: (A) total petroleum hydrocarbons by agency methods 1005 only--$255; and (B) agency method 1005 and/or any fields of accreditation other than agency method 1005--$510; (9) organic compounds by high performance liquid chromatography--$510; (10) polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans--$385; and (11) waste characteristics--$255. (k) After August 31, 2011, the categories and annual fees for accreditation relating to biologic tissue are: (1) radiochemistry--$510; (2) metals--$510; (3) general chemistry--$510; (4) volatile organic compounds by gas chromatograph mass spectrometry--$385; (5) semivolatile organic compounds by gas chromatograph mass spectrometry--$385; (6) organic compounds by gas chromatography using detection other than mass spectrometry--$510; (7) organic compounds by high performance liquid chromatography--$510; and (8) polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans--$385. (l) After August 31, 2011, the categories and annual fees for accreditation relating to solid and chemical materials are: (1) microbiology--$255; (2) radiochemistry--$510; (3) metals--$385; (4) waste characteristics--$255; (5) general chemistry--$510; (6) volatile organic compounds by gas chromatograph mass spectrometry--$255; (7) semivolatile organic compounds by gas chromatograph mass spectrometry--$385; (8) organic compounds by gas chromatography using detection other than mass spectrometry: (A) total petroleum hydrocarbons by agency method 1005 only--$255; and (B) agency method 1005 and/or any fields of accreditation other than agency method 1005--$510; (9) organic compounds by high performance liquid chromatography--$510; (10) polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans--$385; and (11) aquatic toxicity--$510. (m) After August 31, 2011, the categories and annual fees for accreditation relating to air and emissions are: (1) radiochemistry--$510; (2) particulate matter--$255; (3) metals--$385; (4) general chemistry--$510; (5) volatile organic compounds by gas chromatograph mass spectrometry--$255; (6) semivolatile organic compounds by gas chromatograph mass spectrometry--$385; (7) organic compounds by gas chromatography using detection other than mass spectrometry--$510; (8) organic compounds by high performance liquid chromatography--$510; and (9) polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans--$385. (n) Until September 1, 2011, the operator of an environmental testing laboratory located in another state and applying for primary accreditation shall also pay a fee equal to the reasonable travel costs (including transportation, lodging, per diem, and any telephone charges) associated with conducting an assessment at the laboratory. (o) After August 31, 2011, the operator of an environmental testing laboratory located in another state and applying for primary accreditation shall also pay a fee equal to the labor, reasonable travel costs (including, but not limited to, transportation, lodging, per diem, and any telephone charges), and other reasonable costs associated with conducting an assessment at the laboratory. (p) The following fees shall be assessed, as applicable, in addition to any other fees: (1) to modify an existing accreditation and add one or more fields of accreditation during the term of the accreditation--$250; (2) to replace an accreditation certificate--$50; and (3) to reinstate a suspended accreditation--$250. Plus travel expenses for out-of-state labs.
Related Websites:
The commission may accept analytical data provided by an environmental testing laboratory, for any matter under the commission's jurisdiction relating to permits or other authorizations, compliance matters, enforcement actions, or corrective actions, that is not accredited according to this chapter if the laboratory: (1) is an on-site or in-house environmental testing laboratory that is: (A) inspected at least every three years by the executive director; (B) located in another state and accredited or periodically inspected by that state; or (C) inspected at least every three years by the executive director and is performing work: (i) for another company with a unit located on the same site; or (ii) without compensation for a governmental agency or a charitable organization. (2) is accredited under federal law, including certification by the United States Environmental Protection Agency to provide analytical data for decisions relating to compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Act; (3) provides analytical data necessary for emergency response activities and the required analytical data are not otherwise available from an environmental testing laboratory accredited according to this chapter or federal law; or (4) provides analytical data for which the commission does not offer accreditation.