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Biographical Sketches

Nominees for the NEFAP Executive Committee

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Doug Berg
Justin Brown
Scott Evans
Calista Daigle
Jack Farrell
John (Seb) Gillette
Keith Greenaway
Doug Leonard
Mike Miller
Marlene Moore
John Moorman
Cheryl Morton
Lauren Hedrick
Kim Watson
Jan Wilson
Dane Wren

Doug Berg
Testing Program Manager

Doug has had over 22 years of experience in the accreditation industry and 38 years of technical experience in testing, engineering and manufacturing. His background includes environmental, chemical (gases, fuels, lubricants, liquids), metallurgical, physical, and dimensional testing as well as the calibration of electrical devices chemical, physical and environmental instrumentation, and other test equipment. He was responsible for developing sampling plans and the analysis of water, soil and concrete for environmental characterization and compliance for site monitoring and remediation projects.

Doug is an experienced assessor of testing and calibration laboratories and has performed assessments for A2LA and PJLA. This has included chemical, environmental, metallurgical, dimensional measurement, physical and other testing and calibration of electrical, dimensional physical, chemical, metallurgical and other equipment and instrumentation. Doug is a lead assessor for: ISO/IEC 17025:2005, DoD ELAP, ISO Guide 34: 2009 and EPA NLLAP.

Currently, Doug is the Testing Program Manager for PJLA. Doug is primarily responsible for the implementation and maintenance of various testing programs in accordance to ISO/IEC 17011: 2004 and ILAC and APLAC criteria. He has been instrumental in the development, initiation and implementation of several accreditation programs such as ISO.IEC 17025:2005, Guide 34 (RMP), CPSC, EPA NLLAP, DoD ELAP, Energy Star and TNI NEFAP. Doug is a trained APLAC ISO/IEC 17011:2004 Peer Evaluator and TNI NEFAP Evaluator. Doug currently serves on the TNI NEFAP Executive Committee.

Justin Brown
Director of Groundwater and Field Services
Environmental Monitoring and Technologies, Inc.

Justin has spent his entire 13-year career in the field sample and data collection arena. He began his career as a field chemist collecting groundwater, wastewater, leachates, storm-water, ambient water, landfill gas, soil, air, and hazardous waste samples. After spending a few years solely in the field developing an expertise in sampling and data collection, Justin was given the responsibility of overseeing the Groundwater Division at Environmental Monitoring and Technologies (EMT). His responsibilities included developing QA and management systems, training, auditing, reporting, and contract negations. His responsibilities also included the development and writing of hundreds of sampling programs across a variety of industries including solid waste, hazardous waste, medical, industrial, commercial, remediation, long term monitoring, and governmental investigations.

In 2009, Justin was promoted to Director of Field Services, where he is currently responsible for oversight of operations. His responsibilities include oversight of sales staff, project management staff, field QA, technical management, Health and Safety staff, and field sampling staff as well as all groundwater work incoming to EMT's laboratory. He is an active participant in many professional organizations on a local and national level sharing his expertise on field data collection to help further the quality of environmental data. Justin is currently working with the National Groundwater Association Technical Advisory Committee in finalizing a national standard for well drilling and sampling practices. Justin is the current chair of the TNI Field Activities Expert Committee; he also sits on the TNI Proficiency Testing Executive Committee and the Consensus Standards Development Executive Committee.

Justin works in his spare time with many local and regional organizations to help educate the public on the role of groundwater protection in the community and to bring awareness to the importance of groundwater protection and maintaining our natural resources.

Calista Daigle
Deputy Technical Director
Dade Moeller

Calista P. Daigle has over twenty years of experience managing and working in environmental sampling and testing laboratories. She has extensive experience in assessing facilities for compliance with the 2003 NELAC standards, Louisiana state regulations and various other regulatory requirements. Her previous responsibilities included coordinating the processing of samples from receipt to reporting in an analytical laboratory, performing assessments, writing and implementing standard operating procedures and quality assurance plans as well as analytical data review and validation. She is well trained in sampling procedures and associated field activities and has participated in many sampling events as well as being lead assessor for both laboratory and field sampling audits. In her current role as Deputy Technical Director for support to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA), Deep Water Horizon Incident Response, she assists in establishing procedures and processes to manage samples collected from Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida. She currently sits on the NEFAP executive committee, working to implement a program for accrediting field sampling and measurement organizations.

John E. "Jack" Farrell III
Senior Environmental Analyst and President
Analytical Excellence, Inc.
Altamonte Springs, Florida

Mr. Farrell is a recognized leader in the Environmental Testing and Measurement Industry; having earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Biological Sciences and  a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry. He has over 30 years of experience in laboratory operations, quality assurance and assessing laboratories for compliance with regulations and accreditation standards. Mr. Farrell is Senior Environmental Analyst and President of Analytical Excellence, Inc. (AEX), an independent, strictly confidential consulting and education firm specializing in environmental laboratory operations, quality systems, data integrity, and matters concerning the generation of analytical data to support effective compliance decision-making and aspects of litigation.  Mr. Farrell is active in a number of Industry activities and professional associations. He is a past Director of the International Association of Environmental Testing Laboratories (IAETL), past chair of IAETL’s committee on National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation, member of the  ACIL’s Environmental Sciences Section executive committee, a distinguished member of Who’s Who Worldwide, a member of ASQC, an ACS member, and a past member of the editorial advisory board of Environmental Laboratory Washington Report. Mr. Farrell has been involved in national accreditation activities since 1984 and an active participant in NELAC since its inception. He was a member of the NELAC Accrediting Authority committee for 5 years, is currently a member of TNI’s Technical Assistance Committee, chairs the TNI Assessment Forum and is a current TNI Director.  Mr. Farrell was appointed to the Environmental Laboratory Advisory Board (ELAB), a federal advisory committee to the USEPA, in 2008 representing The NELAC Institute. Mr. Farrell is a NATA trained ISO9000 series lead assessor, A2LA trained environmental lead assessor, trained and qualified NELAC laboratory assessor, an instructor for the pilot NELAC basic assessor training course and an trained as an affiliate instructor for the Institute for Global Ethics. 

John (Seb) Gillette
Air Force Center for Engineering and the Environment

Seb currently works for the Air Force Center for Engineering and the Environment in their Environmental Restoration Technical Services Division. He has a PhD in analytical chemistry, with part of the thesis work examining the binding of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons to sediment. Previous employment included positions as a laboratory analyst and a laboratory director.

Seb is the Chair of the Field Sampling and Testing subgroup of the Department of Defense Environmental Data Quality Workgroup. He has led the development of a joint-services environmental sampling and testing handbook.

Seb developed a proficiency testing and training program for Air Force Bioenvironmental Engineers. This program covered sampling and analysis for multiple field-portable analytical instruments, including a gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer and a Fourier-transform infrared spectrophotometer.

Seb currently serves on the Field Activities Executive Committee and is an associate member on the Field Activities Expert Committee.

Keith Greenaway
Vice President
ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board

As Vice President of ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board, Mr. Greenaway is currently responsible for all matters pertaining to policies, practices and attainment of operating goals including development and oversight of P&L, cash flow and forecasting, while reporting directly to the President/CEO. He is also in charge of selecting, developing and motivating necessary management talent in order to carry out the organization's strategic direction. Mr. Greenaway has expertise in mergers and acquisitions and has negotiated policies that affect global trade with more than 60 different economies. He has worked in the accreditation industry for over a decade. He currently serves as the Vice Chair on the NEFAP Executive Committee, is a member of the Financial Oversight Committee for the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) Executive Committee, is a member of the Board of Director's Public Policy Advisory Council for the American Society of Quality (ASQ), which advises the ASQ office of the CEO and the Board of Directors on matters of public policy and national/global debate on all matters related to the interests of ASQ. Mr. Greenaway has also served as Treasurer and as a member of the Inter-American Accreditation Cooperation (IAAC) Executive Committee.

Doug Leonard
President and Chief Operating Officer
Laboratory Accreditation Bureau

Doug Leonard is the President and COO of Laboratory Accreditation Bureau (L-A-B). Doug is the voting delegate representing L-A-B for their signatory status to the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) through the regional cooperation of the Asia Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (APLAC). He is a member of the ILAC WG2 Accreditation Committee on calibration and traceability. He currently is the Vice Chair of the Technical Committee for the Asia Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (APLAC) and the Convener of the Calibration Sub-Committee. Doug is a voting member of the TNI NEFAP Executive Committee. He also holds the position as the Past President and delegate representing L-A-B national recognition through the National Cooperation for Laboratory Accreditation (NACLA).

Mike Miller
Environmental Analytical Chemist LLC

Michael Miller has 20 years of industrial analytical and 25 years of environmental analytical experience. He has analyzed and supervised the sampling and analysis of solid and hazardous waste, soils, waste water, potable water and ambient air.

For 21 years he was a Quality Assurance Officer and auditor for the NJ-DEP Office of Quality Assurance. Michael audited department programs for compliance to the EPA and DEP quality assurance programs, in terms of standard operating procedures, analytical method usage, sampling protocols and data validation. He worked as an auditor and supervisor of the DEP- OQA Laboratory Certification and program NELAP. The Certification program included field measurements in analyze immediately analyte, private drinking water well analytes and EPA Triad programs. He has provided QA and analytical method training for department staff and NJ certified – accredited Laboratories.

Michael has been involved in the development of the NELAC and TNI standards since the Joint Federal – Sate committee to develop a national Environmental Laboratory accreditation program. Initially he chaired the State implementation committee. After the formation of NELAC he was a member of the Quality Assurance Standard committee and an associate of the Accreditation Body, On-Site and PT committees. He became a member of the PT committee and the first Chairperson of the NELAP PT Board. He became a member of the FSMO Std. committee during the transition from NELAC to INELA to TNI. He also was a member and now an associate of the SSAS committee. He became a member of the interim NEFAP EX committee when it was established.

Marlene Moore
Advanced Systems, Inc.

Marlene worked and managed a small environmental sampling and testing laboratory in the mid Atlantic States. She performed sampling of drinking water, wastewater, solid waste and air for a variety of programs and standards.

Marlene then went on to perform assessments for A2LA, ANSI and recently for ANAB/ACLASS, L-A-B, PJLA and JAS-ANZ. Her assessments and technical work with the accreditation bodies includes assessments for a variety of industry sectors including sampling, testing, calibration, product certification, greenhouse gas verification and energy performance.

Marlene has provided training and consulting around the world in the implementation of management systems in several laboratory and industry sectors including the set-up and establishment of accreditation bodies, certification schemes and evaluation programs.

Marlene has been promoting the need for a national accreditation program since the late 1980's and has participated in a variety of committees since the start of NELAC. She currently serves as the chair as the Field Activities Executive Committee and served until January 2012 as the chair of the Field Activities Expert Committee. Marlene has served and chaired a variety of committees for NELAC, INELA and TNI since its inception and continued growth of the program.

John Moorman
Field Quality Assurance Officer
South Florida Water Management District

John Moorman has more than 20 years of water quality monitoring and laboratory analysis experience and is currently the Field Quality Assurance Officer for the Water Quality Monitoring Section (WQMS) of the South Florida Water Management District. Current Position responsibilities include oversight of the WQMS quality system which includes the field sampling audit program (under which approximately 25 audits a year are conducted), field data validation, QA SOP development and implementation for WQMS and annual revision of our Field Sampling Quality Manual. The Quality System implemented by the WQMS is mandated by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection via the Florida Administrative Code (62-160 F.A.C). John is also responsible for section trainings for ethics, water quality QA protocol, water quality sampling protocol and auditor training. John participates on the multi-agency Quality Assurance Oversight Team (QAOT) which is responsible for the QA oversight for the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Program (CERP). ASQ certifications include Certified Quality Technician and Certified Quality Auditor. John is currently a full member of the TNI Field Activities Committee and a member of the NEFAP Executive Committee and the TNI Policy Committee.

Cheryl Morton
Managing Director
AIHA Laboratory Accreditation Programs, LLC

Cheryl O. Morton is Managing Director of AIHA Laboratory Accreditation Programs, LLC where she manages all business and technical aspects of the Industrial Hygiene Laboratory Accreditation Program (IHLAP), the Environmental Lead Laboratory Accreditation Program (ELLAP), the Environmental Microbiology Laboratory Accreditation Program (EMLAP), and the Food Laboratory Accreditation Program (FoodLAP). All AIHA-LAP, LLC programs are managed to conform to the requirements of the ISO/IEC 17011:2004 while laboratories seeking accreditation must conform to the requirements of the ISO/IEC 17025:2005 in addition to program-specific requirements as detailed in AIHA-LAP, LLC Policies.

AIHA-LAP, LLC has full membership and recognition status by the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) and two ILAC regional bodies -- the Asia Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Program (APLAC) and the Inter-American Accreditation Cooperation (IAAC.) The lead program is also recognized by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) which has been designed to comply with the requirements of the EPA National Lead Laboratory Accreditation Program (NLLAP). Ms. Morton represents AIHA-LAP at all international meetings conducted by ILAC, APLAC and IAAC.

Ms. Morton has served in this capacity since 2005 after serving in two senior-level positions with chemical industry trade associations. From 1999 until 2005, Ms. Morton was Managing Director of the Long-Range Research Initiative at the American Chemistry Council where she funded and managed research projects on exposure analysis, bio-monitoring and children's health. For the previous nine years, she served as Director, Regulatory and Technical Affairs, of the Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturers Association where she managed advocacy and compliance assistance activities for small specialty chemical companies. Ms. Morton holds two bachelors of science degrees in Environmental Science and Chemistry from the George Washington University.

Lauren Hedrick
Accreditation Officer
American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA)

Lauren Hedrick is currently an Accreditation Officer with the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA), where she joined in January of 2010. She supports the day-to-day operations of accreditation by assisting clients in obtaining and maintaining accreditation. She facilitates the assessment process for new and renewal laboratories in the Biological, Chemical, and Environmental fields of testing and she is the association's point of contact for the Veterinary accreditation program and the NEFAP Executive and Expert Committees.

Prior to joining A2LA, Ms. Hedrick worked at Aerotek Scientific located in Frederick, MD. She was responsible for the fulfillment of clients' staffing needs in the fields of Biodefense, Biotechnology, Pharmaceuticals, and Healthcare. She was responsible for recruitment of candidates, contract negotiation, and interaction with senior laboratory personnel. Ms. Hedrick was also responsible for training new employees and managing a team of recruiters.

Ms. Hedrick has a B.S. degree in Animal Science that was obtained from the University of Maryland located in College Park, MD.

Kim Watson
Quality Assurance Manager
Stone Environmental, Inc.

Ms. Watson is the Quality Assurance Manager at Stone Environmental, Inc. in Montpelier, Vermont. She manages compliance with Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) Standards (40 CFR Part 160), the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (NELAC) quality system, National Environmental Field Accreditation Program, ISO 17025 Standards, and Corporate Quality Assurance (QA) programs. Her responsibilities include tracking regulatory updates, supervising QA/QC internal procedures and in the field, acting as the Quality Assurance Unit (QAU) for EPA related studies. She is responsible for developing and implementing quality systems for company processes both project and non-project related. She supports investigations for soil, air groundwater and surface water studies, database management, and report and quality assurance project plan (QAPP) writing. Ms. Watson has over 29 years of experience in all phases of production and laboratory procedures, quality control and quality assurance, QA management and project management in an environmental analytical laboratory encompassing the EPA regulated environments (GLP, RCRA and CERCLA). She has over fifteen years of experience in private quality assessment consulting, data and method validation, environmental project planning and coordination, field and laboratory audits, third party review, and single and double blind performance testing programs.

Jan Wilson
Cammia Environmental

Ms. Wilson is a member of the Field Activities committee and helped to develop the first NEFAP Standard and also sits on the NEFAP Executive Committee. She is the owner of Cammia Environmental which provides small laboratories with help in becoming NELAP accredited. This includes reviews of the laboratory and personnel to ensure the lab has all of the necessary functions in place and working to ensure a successful completion of the NELAC audit. Ms. Wilson has spent 30+ years in the environmental field as both a Supervisor and Laboratory Analyst.