Presented by Brittany Nork, FDA Office of Regulatory Affairs, Produce Safety Network (ORA PSN)
Contact Information: [email protected]
FDA’s Office of Regulatory Affairs Produce Safety Network (ORA PSN) is the FDA’s lead investigations branch for regulatory activities (e.g., inspections, sampling) on produce farms. ORA PSN, along with state partners who hold a Rapid Response Team (RRT) and/or Produce Safety Implementation Cooperative Agreement with the FDA, may respond to emergencies, such as foodborne illness outbreaks, that trace back to a produce farm. Response may include an investigation into the source and route of contamination to the produce, including observation, interviewing, and record reviewing. The investigation may also include on- and off-farm sampling, including collecting product samples and environmental samples (e.g., water, sediment, soil, environmental swabs, animal feces). When conducting the investigation, regulators will look at the farm, but also at adjacent and nearby land. During this presentation, we’ll learn about FDA’s investigation and sampling approach on and around produce farms.