Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET) Testing – Data Interpretation Training
Course Description:
This training is designed to help laboratories, assessors, and regulators gain a better understanding of the tools that are available to them to assist in interpreting the results of their whole effluent toxicity (WET) tests. Environmental Protection Agency’s WET methods are prescriptive for many things, but they do not detail some of the nuances that may occur in WET results. While EPA has published errata and guidance to assist in WET interpretation, various aspects of these updates are not known by all labs. This training will provide information about the various guidance documents and discuss the benefits of using the various guidance documents along with the EPA test method manuals. This training will discuss the 2017 EPA Errata, the 2002 Effluent Toxicity test manuals, the 2000 EPA Method Guidance and Recommendations for Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET) Testing, and the 2000 EPA Variability Guidance, along with other EPA WET data interpretation techniques. At the end of this course, laboratories, assessors, and regulators will have a better understanding of the procedures for WET testing along with various ways the data can analyzed and evaluated.
Learning Objectives
- Understand the WET test acceptability requirements and testing requirements that must be met
- Understand the baseline testing conditions that must be verified before data analysis is initiated
- Understand the different analysis steps that must be completed for failing tests vs. passing tests
- Understand the difference between point estimates and hypothesis statistical analyses
- Understand which components of EPA’s Method Guidance and Recommendations currently apply and which do not
- Understand that concentration-response analysis is required for data interpretation
- Understand how to assess concentration-response curves based on EPA’s Method Guidance document
- Understand coefficient of variation and reference toxicant data and how they impact test results
- Understand how dilution series impacts test results
- Understand the role PMSD plays in data interpretation when hypothesis testing is required in the permit
- Understand the role best professional judgement plays in data interpretation
- Understand the various components of communication at each step of the testing process
Intended Audience:
This course is designed for WET Laboratory Directors, Managers, and staff. WET assessors, regulators and data users can benefit from this class. Fees: $60 for TNI members $75 for non-members
Group rates are available: Each purchased webcast is to be viewed by only one student. If you would like multiple viewers, separate purchases must be made. A group rate of $275 for TNI members or $350 for non-members is available for groups of 5-10 students at a single location. Click here to purchase this webcast at the group rate.
TNI Members: you must be logged-in to the website to receive the member rate.
No certificates are automatically provided with this training. A Certificate of Completion (CoC) ($30 per person) or Certificate of Attendance (CoA) ($20 per person) may be purchased during or after registration or webcast purchase. A passing score of at least 70% must be received on the exam in order to receive CEUs and a CoC. Scores of less than 70% will receive a Certificate of Attendance at no reduced fee. For a CoA you will not need to take the quiz and you will not receive CEUs. To receive your certificate, contact Paul Junio at [email protected] with date of purchase and date of training completion. See FAQs for additional information.
Format: Webcast About Webcasts: Upon receipt of your payment, you will receive a special link by e-mail to watch the webcast on your computer. The link is time-limited: you will have full access to the webcast and any associated handouts for 6 months after receipt of payment, at which time the link will expire. Webcasts cannot be downloaded; they are intended for viewing on your computer only during the 6-month window. If you have any questions, please contact Ilona Taunton at [email protected]. Length: 2 hours CEUs: 0.2 
Presented By:
Teresa Norberg-King, Katie Payne, Stephen Clark, and Natalie Love About the Presenter:

Teresa Norberg-King is a subject matter expert of the development and application of effective methods for identifying significant stressors and effects in aquatic systems where effluent and sediment contamination are of concern. Teresa was formerly with the USEPA Office of Research and Development laboratory where her research interests included chemical testing, mixtures, bioaccumulation, effluent and sediment toxicology, toxicity identification evaluations, toxicity of major ions (TDS) and early life stage fish testing.

Katie Payne is an environmental scientist who has a passion for applying toxicology, biology, and ecology to understand, navigate, and solve complex environmental issues. Katie is the Quality Assurance and Compliance Manager for Nautilus Environmental, an accredited laboratory that specializes in a full range of toxicity testing located in San Diego, CA.

Stephen Clark is Vice President at Pacific EcoRisk (PER) an environmental consulting and testing firm established in 1994 and located in of Fairfield, California. Stephen’s 32 years of experience in aquatic toxicology includes serving in the past as Quality Manager and Laboratory Director at PER’s NELAP-accredited laboratory that provides freshwater, estuarine, and marine testing of waters and sediment, bioaccumulation testing in sediments and soils, and chemical product testing.

Natalie Love is the Laboratory Director at GEI Consultants, Inc. with a variety of experience including three years of lab experience previous to GEI, 15 years WET lab experience, macroinvertebrate sorting, WET data analysis, TIE testing, WET data interpretation, NPDES permitting, bioassessments, habitat surveys, analysis of data, and field work. Natalie has extensive experience in the formulation of QA/QC procedures and staff operations for lab facilities.