Tracy Szerszen, NEFAP EC Chair (PJLA) and Katie Strothman, FAC Chair (Sander’s Laboratories, Inc.)

Tracy Szerszen, NEFAP EC Chair (PJLA)
Tracy Szerszen is the President of Perry Johnson Laboratory Accreditation (PJLA), a private third- party accreditation body located in Troy, Michigan, for the past 16 years. Tracy is the managing director of all accreditation schemes and business operations for PJLA’s headquarters office in the United States as well as the branch offices located in Japan, Mexico and Italy. Prior to this appointment she served as the Audit Logistics Manager for PJLA’s related body Perry Johnson Registrars, a quality and environmental management certification body. In support of her vast knowledge of quality management system and accreditation regulations, she serves on several international association’s committees and boards such as the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) and the Asia Pacific Accreditation Cooperation (APAC) as well as national associations engaged in environmental, food safety, cannabis and medical science such as: The NELAC Institute, AOAC and the American Council of Independent Laboratories (ACIL) and is currently the Chair of the TNI NEFAP Executive Committee. Tracy has over 23 years of experience in quality management system and accreditation criteria. She holds a General Science and Business Administration degree as well as several ISO 9000 and ISO 17025 series training certifications.
Katie Strothman, FAC Chair (Sander’s Laboratories, Inc.)
Ms. Katie Strothman is the Laboratory Director and Quality Assurance Manager of Sanders Laboratories, Inc. since 2004, including field activities. Prior to that Katie has worked for a couple of public and private facilities. She has held a vast array of job titles ranging from receiving, chemist, microbiologist, and field technician/ supervisor. Sanders Laboratories, Inc. has been an accredited FSMO since 2014. She has over 20 years experience in the managerial, environmental, and laboratory industry. Katie holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology with a minor in Chemistry from Florida Gulf Coast University. She is the Chair of TNI’s Field Activities Expert Committee.
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