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Standard Interpretation

Standard: 2009 TNI
Section: V1M2, Section


The standard states "Volumetric dispensing devices (except Class A glassware and Glass microliter syringes) shall
be checked for accuracy on a quarterly basis." Would class A plasticware be considered the same as Class A glassware ie - you do not need to check it on a quarterly basis? Or would Class A pastic ware be considered the same as non-class A labware?

The same question for V1M5 section iii.2
"2. equipment such as filter funnels, bottles, non-Class A glassware, and other containers with volumetric markings (including sample analysis vessels) shall be verified once per lot prior to first use. This verification may be volumetric or gravimetric."
Would you need to check Class A plasticware once per lot?


Plasticware is not glassware. Any volumetric dispensing devices that are not Class A glassware or glass microliter syringes must be checked for accuracy on a quarterly basis.