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On November 30, 2023, the California Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (ELAP) made this announcement:

As of January 1, 2024, every laboratory, regardless of certificate expiration date, is required to implement the 2016 TNI Standard incorporated by reference in ELAP's regulations.

TNI had made a copy of an unlicensed version of the 2016 standard available for viewing prior to January 1, 2024.  Now that the California rule is in effect, all laboratories are required to have a licensed copy of the standard that you can show the laboratory assessors per sections 4.3.1 and 4.3.2 of Volume 1. You can purchase the standard here:

Note:  There is a discount, equivalent to joining TNI, if you first join TNI and then purchase the standard. Doing so will also give you discounts on training courses, templates, and other TNI documents. Click here to join.