TNI Logo The NELAC Institute

Executive Director and Staff

Under the general direction of the Board of Directors, the Executive Director has day-to-day responsibility for TNI operations. The Executive Director will attend all Board meetings, report on the progress of TNI, answer questions of Board members and carry out other duties as designated by the Board. The Executive Director is responsible for the organization's consistent achievement of its mission and financial objectives. Contact the Executive Director for any general questions about TNI as shown below.

Executive Director
Jerry Parr
PO Box 2439
Weatherford, TX 76096
[email protected]

Administrative Support

For general questions concerning TNI membership, standards, training courses and other similar information, contact:
Paul Junio
[email protected]

Program Administrators

Program Administrators are individuals assigned by the Executive Director to provide staff support to TNI's programs. As such, Program Administrators:

  • Ensure that policies and decisions of TNI as they relate to each program are implemented.
  • Assist the program committees and subcommittees in achieving their goals.
  • Ensure publication of information relating to the program.
  • Provide monthly reports to the TNI Board on progress of the program towards goals.
  • Assist in the preparation of an annual budget for the program.
  • Perform other such duties as may be assigned by the Executive Director.

Contact the Program Administrators listed below for information about a specific program.


Program Administrator



Consensus Standards Development

Robert Wyeth

[email protected]

National Environmental Field Activities

Ilona Taunton

[email protected]


National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation

Lynn Bradley

[email protected]


Proficiency Testing

Stacie Crandall

[email protected]



Support Staff

The following individuals provide general technical and administrative support to TNI.




Meeting Planner

Kay Parr

[email protected]

Information Technology Administrator

William Daystrom

[email protected]

NEMC Chair

Earl Hansen

[email protected]

NEMC Exhibit Coordinator

Joel Holtz

[email protected]