Proficiency Testing Program Executive Committee

The purpose of the PT Program Executive Committee is to establish and maintain a national PT program to support a national environmental accreditation program that contains the following elements:
- Fields of Proficiency Testing (analytes, concentrations, matrices and acceptance limits) are appropriate for the scope of environmental monitoring performed in the United States
- All organizations providing PT samples to laboratories are recognized as competent to do so.
The PT Executive Committee consists of 5 to 10 individuals with balanced representation of all stakeholder groups in TNI.
Conference Calls: 4th Wednesday, 11:00 am ET
Contact the Committee Chair or Program Administrator to request to participate for these calls.
Note: On June 9, 2010, this committee was renamed the Proficiency Testing Executive Committee to reflect a change in the TNI bylaws. Documents such as meeting minutes may show the previous name of this committee, Proficiency Testing Board.
Susan Jackson, Chair SC Department of Environmental Services Columbia, South Carolina [email protected] | Stacie Crandall, Program Administrator The NELAC Institute Norfolk, Virginia [email protected] |
Marina Aziz NYS DOH Environmental Laboratory Approval Program Albany, New York [email protected] | Amy DeMarco New York State DOH - ELAP Albany, New York [email protected] |
Jack Denby Jack Denby Virginia Beach, Virginia [email protected] | Rachel Ellis New Jersey DEP Trenton, New Jersey [email protected] |
Amanda Fehr GEL Laboratories, LLC Charleston, South Carolina [email protected] | Craig Huff Waters/ERA Golden, Colorado [email protected] |
Michella Karapondo USEPA Cincinnati, Ohio [email protected] | Tim Miller Phenova Golden, Colorado [email protected] |
Prasanth Ramakrishnan International Accreditation Service (IAS) Brea, California [email protected] | Patrick Selig ANAB Fort Wayne, Indiana [email protected] |
Lisa Stafford Eurofins Environmental Testing West Sacramento, California [email protected] |
Current Projects:
Chemistry FoPT changes
Toxicity FoPT changes
Oversight evaluation of PTOB
Current Needs: