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Fields of Proficiency Testing (FoPT)

The PT Program is organized by fields of proficiency testing. The following elements collectively define fields of proficiency testing:

a) matrix type, b) technology/method, and c) analyte.

NELAP: Laboratories that seek to obtain or maintain accreditation shall perform analyses of PT samples for each field of proficiency testing. PT samples shall be obtained from designated approved PT Providers. The laboratory shall obtain PT samples from any so approved PT Provider. The results of the analyses shall be submitted to the PT Provider for scoring.

Note: Laboratories are permitted to analyze one PT sample by multiple methods for a given analyte within a technology. If a laboratory reports more than one method per technology per study, an unacceptable result for any method would be considered a failed study for that technology for that analyte.

NEFAP: Each Field Sampling and Measurement Organization (FSMO) seeking accreditation shall participate in a PT program that is applicable to its scope of accreditation. The FSMO shall receive, analyze, and achieve a passing score on an applicable and available PT sample(s) from a TNI PTPA approved PT Provider for each scope of accreditation.

Requests for FoPT Changes, Additions, and Removals

The PTPEC reviews all proposals and requests for FoPT table editorial changes, modifications, additions, and removals. FoPT table updates are reviewed and completed in compliance with the procedures outlined within the FoPT Table Management SOP, 4-107. To request an FoPT change, addition, or removal, review the SOP and complete the Analye Request Application, if applicable. Note that requests for additions to FoPT Tables require an Accreditation Body act as sponsor in support of the request.

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Note that all tables are available both as a Microsoft Excel (xls) and an Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (pdf) file.

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Drinking Water Fields of Proficiency Testing (FoPT)

Chemistry and Microbiology
The table below contains a listing of the approved drinking water (potable water) fields of proficiency testing (FoPT) analytes and acceptance limits for all analytes except radiochemistry.

Current Table
Effective 01-01-2025

The table below contains a listing of the approved drinking water (potable water) fields of proficiency testing (FoPT) analytes and acceptance limits for all radiochemistry analytes.
Current Table
Effective 11-01-2023

Experimental Analytes
Experimental FoPT tables have been removed from the website as of March 3, 2011. Please see the attached memorandum for further information: PT Executive Committee Memorandum on Experimental PTs

Non-Potable Water (NPW) Fields of Proficiency Testing (FoPT)

Chemistry and Microbiology
The attached table contains a listing of the approved wastewater or non-potable water fields of proficiency testing (FoPT) analytes and acceptance limits.

Current Table
Effective 10-01-2021
NPW_FoPT_2021_10_01_Rev 1.0.xlsx
NPW_FoPT_2021_10_01_Rev 1.0.pdf

Whole Effluent Toxicity
The attached table contains a listing of the approved Whole Effluent Toxicity Testing fields of proficiency testing (FoPT) analytes and acceptance limits.


Experimental Analytes

Experimental FoPT tables have been removed from the website as of March 3, 2011. Please see the attached memorandum for further information: PT Executive Committee Memorandum on Experimental PTs

Solid and Chemical Materials (SCM) Fields of Proficiency Testing (FoPT)

Accreditation Analytes
The attached table contains a listing of the approved Solid and Chemical Materials fields of proficiency testing (FoPT) analytes and acceptance limits.

Current Table
Effective 10-01-2021
SCM_FoPT_2021_10_01_Rev 1.0.xlsx
SCM_FoPT_2021_10_01_Rev 1.0.pdf

Experimental Analytes
Experimental FoPT tables have been removed from the website as of March 3, 2011. Please see the attached memorandum for further information: PT Executive Committee Memorandum on Experimental PTs

No FoPTs have been approved by NEFAP as yet.

Lead in Paint FSMO Fields of Proficiency Testing (FoPT)

Accreditation Analytes
A table listing approved fields of proficiency testing (FoPT) concentration ranges and acceptance limits for Soil, Duct Wipe, and Paint Films was approved by the Proficiency Testing Program Executive Committee (PTPEC) on 7-21-2011 and archived by the PTPEC on 11-17-2016.

Drinking Water Fields of Proficiency Testing (FoPT)

Accreditation Analytes
The attached table contains a listing of the approved fields of proficiency testing (FoPT) concentration ranges and acceptance limits for Drinking Water.
This FoPT was approved by the Proficiency Testing Program Executive Committee on 4-8-2014 and will become effective on 10-6-2014.