Understanding Radiochemistry Testing and The 2016 TNI Standard - Five-Part Series
Part 1: Ra-228 and Gas Proportional Counting
Using EPA Method 904.0, Radium-228 in Drinking Water, as an example, this course will provide participants with a general understanding of the theory behind the radioanalytical techniques used, and applicable requirements of TNI 2016 Standard Volume 1 Module 6 (V1M6). A mixture of theory-lecture and interactive exercises using real laboratory data examples will help participants see how analytical processes translate into actions, results, and records that one might encounter in a typical radioanalytical laboratory. It will also address typical challenges that may be encountered. This class will be of benefit both to radiochemistry laboratorians and radiochemistry assessors/ABs.
Topics addressed will include:
- Method scope, application, and limitations
- Method 904.0 radiochemical separations of radium and actinium;
- Theory of chemical yield monitoring and chemical yield corrections;
- Radioactive decay and decay progeny ingrowth for 228Ra;
- Sample test source preparation;
- Gas-flow proportional counter (GPC) set-up, performance checks, efficiency calibrations, and background determinations;
- Calculation and reporting of results and associated statistics (i.e., counting uncertainty vs. combined uncertainty, critical level vs. minimum detectable concentration vs. SDWA Detection Limit, chemical yield);
- Common problems and challenges encountered with this method;
- TNI Standard Volume 1, Module 6 requirements as they relate to EPA Method 904.0.
Expected Learning Outcomes:
Students will complete the course with an understanding of:
- The general principles behind EPA Method 904.0 including
o Method 904.0 scope and application;
o The role of decay and ingrowth in Method 904.0;
o Radiochemical separation of radium and actinium and preparation of the sample test source;
o General principles behind gas-flow proportional counting;
- Set-up, quality control and calibration requirements for gas-flow proportional counters;
- Background determinations for gas-flow proportional counters;
o Chemical yield corrections used;
o A general familiarity with EPA Method 904.0 calculations of activity concentration.
- And how V1M6 requirements relate to the Method 904.0 processes:
o Method scope, application, and limitations;
o Method validation;
- Uncertainty;
- Detection capability;
o Instrument controls: Instrument set-up, calibration, and performance checks;
o Sample specific controls: chemical yield;
o Sample measurements;
o Batch quality controls;
o Reviewing and reporting results.
Part 2: ASTM D7283 and EPA 906.0 (Liquid Scintillation Counting)
Using ASTM Method D7283, ASTM Standard Test Method for Alpha and Beta Activity in Water By Liquid Scintillation Counting, and EPA Method 906.0, Tritium in Drinking Water, as examples, this course will provide participants with a general understanding of the theory behind the radioanalytical techniques used, and applicable requirements of TNI 2016 Standard Volume 1 Module 6 (V1M6). A mixture of theory-lecture and interactive exercises using real laboratory data examples will help participants see how analytical processes translate into actions, results, and records that one might encounter in a typical radioanalytical laboratory. It will also address typical challenges that may be encountered. This class will be of benefit both to radiochemistry laboratorians and radiochemistry assessors.
Topics addressed will include:
- Method scope, application, and limitations
- Radioactive decay;
- Radiochemical preparation;
- Sample test source preparation;
- Liquid scintillation counter (LSC) set-up, performance checks, efficiency and cross-talk calibrations, and background determinations;
- Calculation and reporting of results and associated statistics (i.e., counting uncertainty vs. combined uncertainty, critical level vs. minimum detectable concentration vs. SDWA Detection Limit, chemical yield);
- Common problems and challenges encountered with these methods;
- TNI Standard Volume 1, Module 6 requirements as they relate to the two methods.
Expected Learning Outcomes:
Students will complete the course with an understanding of:
- The general principles behind EPA Methods 906.0 and ASTM D7283, including:
- Scope and application;
- The impact of decay and ingrowth in the Methods;
- Preparation of samples and sample test sources;
- General principles behind liquid scintillation spectrometry;
- Set-up, quality control and calibration requirements for gas-flow proportional counters;
- Background determinations for gas-flow proportional counters;
- A general familiarity with the calculations of activity concentration, uncertainty, and associated detection statistics.
- And how V1M6 requirements relate to the Method 904.0 processes:
- Method scope, application, and limitations;
- Method validation;
- Uncertainty;
- Detection capability;
- Instrument controls: Instrument set-up, calibration, and performance checks;
- Sample specific controls: chemical yield;
- Sample measurements;
- Batch quality controls;
- Reviewing and reporting results.
Part 3: Alpha Spectrometry
This course will provide participants with a general understanding of the theory behind the radioanalytical techniques used to perform alpha spectrometric measurements of uranium in ASTM Method D3972, Standard Test Method for Isotopic Uranium in Water by Radiochemistry, and Standard Methods 7500-U C, Isotopic Method. A mixture of theory-lecture and interactive exercises using real laboratory data examples will help participants understand how analytical processes translate into actions, results, and records that one might encounter in a typical radioanalytical laboratory. It will also address typical challenges that may be encountered. This class will be of benefit both to radiochemistry laboratorians and radiochemistry assessors/ABs.
Topics addressed will include:
- Method scope, application, and limitations
- Radioactive decay;
- Radiochemical preparation;
- Chemical separation of actinides
- Sample test source preparation;
- Alpha spectrometer set-up, performance checks, efficiency and cross-talk calibrations, and background determinations;
- Calculation and reporting of results and associated statistics (i.e., counting uncertainty vs. combined uncertainty, critical level vs. minimum detectable concentration vs. SDWA Detection Limit, chemical yield);
- Common problems and challenges encountered with these methods;
- TNI Standard Volume 1, Module 6 requirements as they relate to the two methods.
Expected Learning Outcomes:
Students will complete the course with an understanding of:
- The general principles behind the two methods including:
- Scope and application;
- The role of radioactive decay in the two methods;
- Chemical separation and purification of actinides;
- Preparation of the sample test source;
- General principles behind alpha spectrometry;
- Set-up, quality control and calibration requirements for alpha spectrometers;
- Background determinations for alpha spectrometers.
- A general familiarity with the calculations of activity concentration for the two methods.
- And how V1M6 requirements relate to the:
- Method scope, application, and limitations;
- Method validation;
- Instrument controls: Instrument set-up, calibration, and performance checks;
- Sample specific controls:
- Sample measurements;
- Batch quality controls;
- Reviewing and reporting results.
Part 4: EPA Method 901.1 Gamma Spectrometry
This course will provide participants with a general understanding of the theory behind the radioanalytical techniques used to perform gamma spectrometric measurements as outlined in EPA method 901.1 (Gamma Emitting Radionuclides in Drinking Water) and supported by references such as ANSI N42.14-2004 (“Calibrations and Use of Germanium Spectrometers for the Measurement of Gamma-Ray Emission Rates of Radionuclides”) and ASTM D7282-06 (“Standard Practice for Set-up, Calibration, and Quality Control of Instruments Used for Radioactivity Measurements”). A mixture of lecture and interactive exercises using real laboratory data examples will help participants understand how analytical processes translate into actions, results, and records that one might encounter in a typical radioanalytical laboratory. It will also address typical challenges that may be encountered. This class will be of benefit both to radiochemistry laboratorians and radiochemistry assessors.
Expected Learning Outcomes:
Students will complete the course with an understanding of:
- The general principles behind gamma spectrometry:
- Radioactive decay and decay modes;
- Fundamental Interactions of gamma rays;
- Basic features of a gamma ray spectrum;
- Gamma spectrometry equipment;
- Importance of process knowledge;
- Decay correction as it applies to gamma spectrometry;
- Types of equilibrium important in gamma spectrometry;
- Preparation of the sample test source;
- Set-up, quality control and calibration requirements for gamma spectrometers;
- Background determinations for gamma spectrometers.
- A general familiarity with the calculations of activity concentrations.
- And how V1M6 requirements relate to the:
- Uncertainty and detection capability;
- Calibration life cycle: Instrument set-up, calibration, and performance checks;
- Sample specific controls:
- Sample measurements;
- Batch quality controls;
- Reviewing and reporting results.
Part 5: Radon Emanation, Total Uranium, Method Validation and Instrument Calibrations
This course will provide participants with a general understanding of the theory behind the radioanalytical technique used to perform Ra-226 by radon emanation. In addition, several methods for total uranium will be examined, method validation for a non-promulgated method will be discussed and an in-depth look at calibrations for all instrument types will be performed. A mixture of theory-lecture and interactive exercises using real laboratory data examples will help participants understand how analytical processes translate into actions, results, and records that one might encounter in a typical radioanalytical laboratory. It will also address typical challenges that may be encountered. This class will be of benefit both to radiochemistry laboratorians and radiochemistry assessors/ABs.
Fees: $800 for TNI members $950 for non-members
Group rates are available: Each purchased webcast is to be viewed by only one student. If you would like multiple viewers, separate purchases must be made. A group rate of $2200 for TNI members or $2500 for non-members is available for groups of 5-10 students at a single location. Click here to purchase this webcast at the group rate.
TNI Members: you must be logged-in to the website to receive the member rate.
No certificates are automatically provided with this training. A Certificate of Completion (CoC) ($30 per person) or Certificate of Attendance (CoA) ($20 per person) may be purchased during or after registration or webcast purchase. A passing score of at least 70% must be received on the exam in order to receive CEUs and a CoC. Scores of less than 70% will receive a Certificate of Attendance at no reduced fee. For a CoA you will not need to take the quiz and you will not receive CEUs. To receive your certificate, contact Paul Junio at [email protected] with date of purchase and date of training completion. See FAQs for additional information.
Format: Webcast About Webcasts: Upon receipt of your payment, you will receive a special link by e-mail to watch the webcast on your computer. The link is time-limited: you will have full access to the webcast and any associated handouts for 6 months after receipt of payment, at which time the link will expire. Webcasts cannot be downloaded; they are intended for viewing on your computer only during the 6-month window. If you have any questions, please contact Ilona Taunton at [email protected]. Length: 40 hours CEUs: 4.0 
Presented By:
TNI Radiochemistry Expert Committee About the Presenter: The mission of this committee is to maintain the radiochemistry standard (TNI Environmental Sector Volume 1, Module 6) based on public input; to provide technical assistance on issues related to radiochemistry; and, to develop tools that facilitate the implementation of the standard. |