Back to Basics for Analysts: Lab Skills and Techniques
Course Description:
This course presents instruction for bench level laboratory staff on basic, but critical, elements of their jobs. Topics include laboratory terminology, volume and weight measurements, types of laboratory equipment and supplies, sample handling, and how to use appropriate practices in the laboratory ensuring the accuracy of the data.
Expected Benefit of Training
Upon completion of the course, the attendee will have an understanding of:
- the various types of support equipment and supplies in the laboratory and their intended uses
- calibration/verfication requirements for support equipment
- when to use which types of equipment
- proper laboratory techniques
- critical aspects of sample handling
Intended Audience:
This course is designed for Analysts, Quality Managers, Techncal Managers, and Internal Auditors.
Fees: $80 for TNI members $95 for non-members
Group rates are available: Each purchased webcast is to be viewed by only one student. If you would like multiple viewers, separate purchases must be made. A group rate of $375 for TNI members or $450 for non-members is available for groups of 5-10 students at a single location. Click here to purchase this webcast at the group rate.
TNI Members: you must be logged-in to the website to receive the member rate.
No certificates are automatically provided with this training. A Certificate of Completion (CoC) ($30 per person) or Certificate of Attendance (CoA) ($20 per person) may be purchased during or after registration or webcast purchase. A passing score of at least 70% must be received on the exam in order to receive CEUs and a CoC. Scores of less than 70% will receive a Certificate of Attendance at no reduced fee. For a CoA you will not need to take the quiz and you will not receive CEUs. To receive your certificate, contact Paul Junio at [email protected] with date of purchase and date of training completion. See FAQs for additional information.
Format: Webcast About Webcasts: Upon receipt of your payment, you will receive a special link by e-mail to watch the webcast on your computer. The link is time-limited: you will have full access to the webcast and any associated handouts for 6 months after receipt of payment, at which time the link will expire. Webcasts cannot be downloaded; they are intended for viewing on your computer only during the 6-month window. If you have any questions, please contact Ilona Taunton at [email protected]. Length: 2 hours CEUs: 0.2 
Presented By:
 Dorothy Love About the Presenter: Ms. Love has worked in the environmental testing field for more than 40 years, with 25 years in Quality Assurance. She is currently a Quality Advisor for Eurofins Environment Testing (USA). Ms. Love has a B.S. degree in Environmental Health from Indiana University of Pennsylvania. As a Quality Advisor, Ms. Love makes use of her experience and skills to work on special projects with Eurofins and serves as a mentor to the quality team. Prior to her current Quality Advisor role, she served as a quality director overseeing the Eurofins' quality systems in the Environment Testing (USA) businesses, she has experience in analytical testing and data review for both organic and inorganic methods. Ms. Love has been with Eurofins (originally under Lancaster Laboratories) since 1989 with prior lab experience at other commercial and state laboratories. She has served for six years on TNI's Laboratory Accreditation Systems Executive Committee; served for six years on the TNI Quality Systems Expert Committee; participated in and chaired the TNI semi-annual Mentor Session for close to 10 years; and is a past chair of the NJ Environmental Laboratory Advisory Committee. |