Combined Interpretations of the 2003, 2009, and 2016 Standards that apply to Volume 1 of the 2016 TNI Standard
Question: The Standard specifies that "These general QC principles shall apply, where applicable, to all testing laboratories. The manner in which they are implemented is dependent on the types of tests performed by the laboratory (i.e., asbestos, chemical, microbiological, radiological, toxicity) and are further described in Technical Modules. The standards for any given test type shall assure that the applicable principles are addressed: a) All laboratories shall have detailed written protocols in place to monitor the following quality controls: ii. tests to define the variability and/or repeatability of the laboratory results such as replicates." Does this requirement mandate including matrix duplicate in the sample batch/analytical run even if a published method (i.e. EPA 200.8) does not require it? TNI Response: No.
Section: 5.9.3
This part of the Standard provides general requirements and points to the Technical Modules for further requirements. Since the example provided (EPA 200.8) is a chemistry method, the laboratory would look to Module 4, Quality Systems for Chemical Testing, which states in b) "The frequency of the analysis of matrix duplicates are as specified by the method or may be determined as part of the contract review process."